14 Tips for Creating the Ideal Work From Home Routine
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Working from home may seem easy from the outside, especially for those who have to get up every day and travel to their place of work. However, when you’re a full-time home worker, it can be difficult to get into the swing of things sometimes. Creating the ideal work from home routine and setting up your environment for a productive way takes a lot of thought and effort. You have to strike the balance between switching off your laptop each day and being as productive as you can whilst working in your home environment.
When it comes to making your home more comfortable, this may also help you to get more out of your working day at home. When you’re happy, comfortable, warm and content in your space everything else feels so much easier. With all of this in mind, here are some of the most important working from home routines for you to consider.
1. Eat a Wholesome Breakfast
Starting your day in a healthy way as a person who works from home is so important. Even though you may feel as though you can grab food at any time when you work from home all day, it’s important to stick to a regular routine and structure. Starting your day with a wholesome breakfast will give you the energy you need to get your work done in a productive way. Making a smoothie or eggs on wholemeal toast is the ideal way to begin a busy day of work.
2. Get the Temperature Right
Working from home means using a lot more energy and heating in your house. Over time, this can start to build up into a sizable expense, and it can even have an adverse effect on your monthly bills. Getting the temperature right in your home is just as important as being mindful of your energy consumption, so you may want to look into alternative methods. Many homeowners are turning towards Airrex Infrared Diesel Heaters as a way to keep their bills as low as possible. This solution will not only ensure that your home is warm whilst you’re working, but it will also keep your energy bills down to a minimum.
3. Set Your Goals for the Day
Before you dive into work, it’s a good idea to write down your goals for the day so that you’re clear on what needs to be accomplished. Setting clear and concise goals at the start of the day will give you direction and focus for a super successful work day.
4. Try Some Gentle Exercise
In addition to setting your goals, you also need to consider some gentle exercise to get your body moving. Working from home often means being more sedentary than usual, so you may want to try some morning yoga to get your blood flowing first thing in the morning. By weaving this regime into your usual working-from-home day, you are setting yourself up to be physically healthy, active and alert before you dive into your projects for the day.
5. Make Your Space Tidy
If you haven’t had the chance to make your space tidy at home, now is the ideal opportunity. Before your working day officially begins, you should look into ways to set up your workspace and get started on your productive day. This also involves gathering your equipment and making sure you’ve got everything you need to reach your goals and hit everything on your checklist.
6. Shower and Get Dressed
Many people who work from home don’t always prioritize this all-important morning routine. Having a shower and getting dressed would usually be part of your morning on any other day, so why should it be any different when you’re working from home? When you’re physically dressed for the day, it can signal to your brain that it’s time to start work, and you’ll automatically feel more productive too. Bringing in a home environment can create a number of distractions, but when you’re dressed for the part, you will always feel ready for every task ahead of you.
7. Focus on One Task at a Time
When you work from home, you don’t always get the help and support from your colleagues as you usually do in an office setting. Breaking your tasks down into smaller and bite size chunks will make everything seem much easier. When you allow yourself to focus on one task at a time, you also open up opportunities for greater productivity, which is a bonus when you work from home.
8. Enjoy a Coffee Break
If you were based in a traditional office environment, you would probably be able to pop out for coffee runs and enjoy chats with your colleagues by the water cooler. When you’re working from home, you should also allow yourself the same freedom. Having a quiet coffee break and giving yourself a moment away from your screen will ultimately help you to return to your work and feel more refreshed.
9. Remove Distractions From Your Office

If you’re the type of person who gets easily distracted by your phone, you may want to leave it outside the room during your working day. Only check your personal mobile during your lunch break, and don’t allow it to get in the way of your concentration. You should also consider turning off the television if you’re working in a room that has one; this is a very common distraction you should try to avoid at all costs whilst working from home.
10. Try Walking Calls
More and more workplaces are encouraging people to go out on a walk during their meetings, and for a very good reason. When you opt for walking calls, you’re not only getting more physical exercise, but you’re also making the most of your time as much as you can. As a busy working professional, you will know that time is short, and you need to make the most of every minute of the day. Combining your daily exercise with a work call is the best of both worlds in terms of maximizing your time.
11. Allow Yourself a Proper Lunch Break
Taking a lunch break when you work from home is so important, especially when you are trying to create a healthy structure for yourself. Whether you’re allowed an hour or slightly longer, it’s important to make the most of this time and nourish your body. Cooking a nutritious and wholesome lunch will give you the energy you need to complete everything you want to accomplish by the end of the day.
12. Finish off Your Final Tasks for the Day
As your day starts to draw to a close, you need to try and be mindful of the time. Finishing off your final tasks for the day will help you to finish in good time and get to the end of your projects with ease. Try not to work past your contracted hours, even if you haven’t quite ticked off that final task. It can always wait until the morning!
13. Clean Up Around the House
Doing a couple of light house chores is the perfect way to end your working day at home. Clearing away your coffee mugs, loading the dishwasher from lunchtime and getting rid of any working day items that may have accumulated in and around your home will make you feel as though your working day has come to an end. This task is much like clearing your desk for the day if you work in an office setting. Making the space clean and clear gives you a great head start for the morning and helps you draw a line between your final task and the end of your day.
14. Clock off For the Day and Relax!
When you get to the end of your working day, it’s so important to switch off for the day and enjoy your evening. Relaxing after work is vital for your mental and physical health as it provides you with a sense of achievement. Even if you haven’t managed to tick off everything on your to-do list, you should still allow yourself the time you need to rest and recuperate until the next day begins!
Final Thoughts
Depending on your job role and the type of industry you’re working in, you may find that some of these ideas are more appropriate than others. Hopefully, you can take the most relevant options and adapt them to your regime seamlessly. Whether you’re investing in a better heating system for your home or you’re making more time for movement during your working day, there is so much you can do to improve your working-from-home routine. Not only will these ideas help you to become more productive on a daily basis, but they will also help you to find a healthier balance between work and home life.
Enjoy the process of sprucing up your working-from-home routine and make the most of all the benefits you’ll receive in return!