Preparing Your Home for Moving Out

Moving out can be scary, but with proper preparation and creativity it can become enjoyable. Moving doesn’t simply involve packing boxes, it should involve leaving behind an orderly environment worthy of Mary Poppins herself. So let’s look at all aspects of moving and turn this potential headache into an orderly transition process.

First step in the process should be decluttering. Take this opportunity to unleash your inner Marie Kondo and rid yourself of anything that doesn’t spark joy. Starting this process early can save time, hassle, and can even be very therapeutic.

  • Room-by-Room Decluttering: Take it one room at a time by sorting items into three piles: keep, donate and bin. This approach reduces overwhelm while giving an impressive feeling of achievement as each room becomes uncluttered.
  • Sentimental Items: For items with sentimental value that can be difficult to part with, taking photos or setting an annual limit could help.

Now it is time to do some real damage control. Once the clutter has been eliminated from your abode it’s time to deep clean. Buyers and landlords both appreciate a home with sparkling surfaces, in fact it could even help secure your deposit back.

  • Kitchen: Thoroughly clean all surfaces in the oven, stove and sink areas as well as the fridge and cupboards. 
  • Bathrooms: Descale shower heads, scrub grout and polish faucets in order to create an hygienic environment in which to shower, sink and bathtub can remain spotlessly pristine.

Even with regular vacuuming, carpets can still accumulate dust, dirt, and allergens that a simple vacuum cannot get rid of. To make sure that your carpets stay looking their best and prolong their lifespan, professional carpet cleaners may be necessary. Their experience and equipment can perform deep cleans that leave your carpets looking brand new while increasing lifespan and improving appearance. Professionally cleaning can make a significant impactful difference on both fronts: impress potential buyers while pleasing landlords when moving out.

Small fixes can make an enormous difference in how others perceive your home.

  • Patch Up Walls: Repair any holes or cracks in the walls using filler and paint, this should do the trick.
  • Lights and Fixtures: Check that all fixtures are functioning as they should, replacing any burnt-out bulbs as necessary and making sure everything else works as it should be.
  • Plumbing: Check for leaks or drips and address them as soon as they appear, otherwise a dripping tap could prove to be an embarrassing surprise for new occupants.
  • Garden and Exterior: Make sure your garden is tidy. Mow the lawn, trim hedges and clear away any weeds from it. Your house’s exterior should also receive some love.

Moving out doesn’t need to be an ordeal of stress and exhaustion. With some careful planning, an effective checklist, and perhaps a cup of tea or two in hand, your move can go smoothly and with style. By decluttering, cleaning, making repairs as needed and conducting final walkthroughs before finalising your transition smoothly into your new home and leaving your old one intact. Take a deep breath, embrace change and look forward to what lies ahead.

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