7 Feng Shui Tips to Bring Luck to your Home
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Feng shui has been well known for helping improve so many aspects of one’s life, and if you are trying to invite more positivity and bring luck to your home, Feng shui can help you with that too. Read on to discover 7 super simple and actionable tips that can help bring luck to your home.

Focus On the Lights
There are lots of things to do for good luck, one of the simplest ways to bring luck to your home is to focus on the light flooding into the house. During the day, open all windows and curtains/blinds to allow natural light to enter the home, and install good, adequate lights for the evenings.
Bring in an Aquarium
Having a fish aquarium in your home is another positive Feng shui remedy to attract more luck and prosperity. You must have an odd number of fish in your tank to balance the Yin and Yang. Provided the aquarium is big enough, 9 is the optimum number of fish. If you aren’t really sure about bringing a fish aquarium, you can also hang a painting of fish or bring in other pieces such as a showpiece or a clock having fish on it.
Be Plant Wise

If you have plants in and around your home, make sure you take good care of them, strong fresh shoots and buds are sure signs of good luck coming. Remove any withering or dead plants – they invite negative energy. Placing good Feng shui plants in the northeast area of your home can also bring loads of luck and success to you, especially in the career aspect. The best plants for Feng shui are Jade (Money Tree), Peace Lily and Golden Pothos (also known as Devil’s Ivy). Plants with pointed (dagger-like leaves) are bad for energy so avoid these at all costs.
Clear the Clutter
Clearing the clutter from your home has a very positive effect to bring luck to your home. A cluttered space will allow stagnant energy to build and negativity will breed. Make it a point to remove unnecessary items from your home every now and then, and watch how it transforms the energy of your home into a more positive, lucky one.
Fix What’s Broken
This one’s super important, and actually very easy too. A lot of us tend to ignore broken things in our home, and just let them be. If you have anything that’s broken, try to have it replaced, or if not, at least fixed to a high standard. This can help prevent a buildup of negative energies and invite more positive energies into your home.
Do it With Paintings

Having positive paintings in the colours purple or green, or simply having a large painting of a flowing waterfall in your home can really help, and invite loads of prosperity, abundance and luck into your home. Displaying the right artwork in your home is one of the things that bring good luck. Don’t display stormy scenes and dark erratic prints, think what ‘good luck’ and ‘abundance’ mean to you.
Be Location Wise
In Feng shui, there are different areas of your home concerned with different aspects of your life, and there’s a space called the money and luck area too. Locate that area in your home if you want to know how to attract good luck and wealth (it is 45 degrees towards the right when you enter your home), and take good care of it. Have paintings of flowing water there, or items made of wood or having the colour blue, which can bring more prosperity and luck into your home and life.

February 5, 2019 at 8:38 am
I don’t know much about feng shui apart from the basics but these are great tips of bringing some luck to your home
Sabina Green
February 5, 2019 at 1:08 pm
I find it so fascinating, especially when I make changes and can see the benefits almost immediately.
Treasure Every Moment
February 5, 2019 at 9:11 am
Oh no I have so much negative energy in my house with all of the half alive plants I have around! I really need to get some new ones and somehow keep them alive 🙂
Sabina Green
February 5, 2019 at 1:07 pm
Oh yes, you definitely need to improve that. Try to revive the ones you do have, sometimes cutting away the dead and placing them in light areas with water can do them the world of good. My house is full of Jade plants and Devil’s ivy and I am honestly not great with plants 🙂
February 5, 2019 at 9:35 am
Some great tips here! I’ve actually always wanted an aquarium for the ‘calming’ factor. Think this year might have to be the year!
Sabina Green
February 5, 2019 at 1:06 pm
Definitely give it a whirl as they are great for calming but also good for increasing your wealth energy 😉
Talya Stone
February 5, 2019 at 2:07 pm
I have to admit I have not done any of this at home but yesterday I went to have reflexology in a room that had and the calm energy I got on entry was palpable!
Sabina Green
February 5, 2019 at 9:22 pm
It’s amazing how quickly you can feel the difference in a room with just a few little tweaks. I LOVE reflexology it’s the best x
Sonia Cave
February 5, 2019 at 6:14 pm
What an interesting in sight. I am a big one for removing clutter…family members usually hang on tight to their possessions when I am in a de cluttering mood! But it does feel good afterwards and very calming
Sabina Green
February 5, 2019 at 9:25 pm
Haha yes I know that feeling, I desperately need to declutter the playroom but the children don’t want to let anything go!!
February 5, 2019 at 10:34 pm
I don’t know much about feng shui, but I remember when I was at university, a friend of mine came round to my house and when she came in she cried out “those flowers are bad for your feng shui” and before I could do anything she’d chucked a beautiful bunch of flowers I’d been given in the bin. Needless to say, the friendship didn’t last.
Sabina Green
February 5, 2019 at 10:47 pm
Oh no really?? Talk about throwing your beliefs into someone’s face. I might have told you my thoughts on them or suggested they be moved to a different area but I would never actually make changes on someone else’s behalf. I’m not surprised the friendship didn’t last.
Deborah Nicholas
February 6, 2019 at 8:44 am
I’m moving again soon so will be incorporating all of these as I need some good luck!
Sabina Green
February 9, 2019 at 5:13 pm
Oh I really hope they help you, I honestly noticed a big difference once I started to make changes xx
February 7, 2019 at 10:49 pm
I have never done teng Shei and I’m not very lucky so maybe I need to try out these tips! 45 degrees to the right of my front door is the boys tip of a play room, I guess I need to replace all their toys with a water feature if I want to win the big bucks!xx
Sabina Green
February 9, 2019 at 5:15 pm
Haha same here although this is also where I work. I installed some good storage options and created a working corner for myself and it’s going ok so far, just make sure the toys are tidied away at the end of each day x
February 12, 2019 at 2:38 pm
So many great tips. I don’t know anything about Feng Shui apart from the name and I found your tips really informative 🙂
Sabina Green
February 15, 2019 at 1:47 pm
When you really start reading into it, it’s very interesting. I am glad you found it informative, thank you for dropping by x
Sabina Green
February 28, 2019 at 10:32 pm
I’m pleased to hear that you liked them, hopefully you might be able to put some into action 🙂