Getting Through Renovation Remote Work
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Getting through renovation remote work can be challenging at the best of times. But given that working from home is now almost standard, you need to find ways to get through disturbances. As hard as this is, we have some ideas, from covering your ears to sealing parts of the home!
Move to the Most Suitable Room

One of the easiest things to try is moving to another room or part of the house. This will help reduce noise disturbances. However, it is also necessary for intrusive, loud, and uncomfortable work such as window replacement. Of course, any reputable installers will try to keep the noise down. But there will be inevitable loud sounds during any kind of renovation work. If you have a spare room you can work from, then shifting temporary spaces will probably work for the best.
Try Covering Your Ears
Even by moving there might be loud sounds when you need to work during a renovation. Some people also find foreign sounds to be stressful. You can be sensitive to unfamiliar sounds known as misophonia. This can trigger emotions such as stress and anger which will definitely interfere with your work. Covering your ears using noise cancelling headphones can help with this. In addition, you may also want to block out sounds using earplugs to reduce the decibel level.
Change Schedules for Renovation Remote Work
A survey of employed people found that 25% of them partially worked from home during 2022. Today, this figure has increased, and a lot more of us work remotely. One of the perks of this is that you can work to your own schedule if you are responsible. This is an obvious advantage if you are having a renovation project done. Perhaps you can shift your working hours when there will be minimal intrusion based on planned contracted works or even consider evening work.
Seal Off a Section of the Home
Besides the noise, there are other ways your work can be disturbed. Noise, draughts and dust and debris are very common when renovation work is being carried out and you don’t want these when trying to work. If possible, you can seal off rooms and parts of the home to prevent your work being disturbed by these. If only to keep out the dust, sealing a room is well worth the consideration. Dust will make you feel ill, cause health issues and get into your electronics.
Inform the Contractors
Contractors are there to do a job, and sometimes, they need to stick to a schedule and can only work at certain times. However, they will listen to reason if you need them to change things around. Just talking about it will help them understand that there are times when you can’t be disturbed, for example, taking an important Skype meeting with your boss. All you have to do is ask, and they will be happy to accommodate your circumstances. After all, it is your home.
Moving to a more suitable room will help with renovation remote work disturbances. If possible, try to amend your schedule around planned work and let your contractors know about it.