4 Simple Storage Solutions for Your Child’s Bedroom
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Conquering the clutter is a major challenge for parents. And it may seem like the clutter is multiplying as your child grows, bringing home projects and new toys. Fortunately, there are solutions out there that are easy to implement and don’t require constant work to keep up. Here are four simple storage solutions for your child’s bedroom.

Buy a Mid Sleeper
Mid sleepers are not bunk beds, though they resemble them. Instead, a mid sleeper bed has a bed elevated above a storage space or workspace underneath. It would be best if you didn’t buy a mid sleeper for children under six due to the child’s risk of falling or intentionally jumping out of bed. When you’re shopping for these mid sleepers, consider your child’s needs. Can the child make do with a desk that is built into a mid sleeper? Small pull out desks may not be enough for some students. Or is storage space your biggest problem? If so, you want a mid sleeper with a large chest of drawers built into it. Some mid sleepers have tent bars or bookshelves underneath to provide additional and private space for your child.
Find Extra Storage in the Space
If you want to keep the existing bed in your child’s room, consider putting the bed up on risers so you can store a guest bed or storage drawers underneath it. Consider putting a bookshelf above the child’s bed or replacing the existing headboard with one that has built-in storage. Consider repurposing bookshelves so that they double as seating so you can get rid of that toddler couch in the corner. Or you could do something as simple as putting storage baskets for art supplies under the easel and baskets for toys or books under the child’s favourite chair.
Consider the Room from Your Child’s Point of View
Having a place for everything and everything in its place may be the parents’ dream of a clean room, but that may be too much work for your child. If your child has trouble picking stuff up, consider simple storage solutions for toys. For example, have a storage net hanging from the wall in which the child can toss all their stuffed animals instead of a cubby for each critter. Have two toy boxes to toss all the toys instead of designated storage for each item.
Move It Up
We’ve already addressed finding places like headboards to put in bookshelves. However, there are other storage solutions you can use to save space and to move items up off the floor. Pegboards can be a place to display awards, pictures and reminders and double as a place to hang key chains and charger cables. Pegboards can be used to store small, light items in easy reach of adults, but out of reach of children like diaper rash cream above your baby’s changing table. Curtains with built-in pockets can be used to hold small curios or shoes.
Efficient storage can seem like a challenge, but it can definitely be conquered with the right methods. Make sure you follow the storage tips in the article and get your children involved if you want to conquer it once and for all.

January 10, 2022 at 5:49 am
Wonderful ideas for children bedroom. Lot of storage spaces created innovatively and delightful as well.
Sabina Green
January 21, 2022 at 1:18 pm
Children come with so much ‘stuff’ don’t they, storage is a necessity 🙂
Industrial Interiors
January 10, 2022 at 2:53 pm
I would love to better organize my space, it is a mess now. Great tips.
Sabina Green
January 21, 2022 at 1:18 pm
I think we could all do with the time to have a good sort out. We are slowly working through one room at a time and it feels great.
January 10, 2022 at 9:38 pm
I always struggle with finding ways to control the clutter in my kids rooms. These are great ideas for helping to get things organized.
Sabina Green
January 21, 2022 at 1:19 pm
We were like that too, since we did the big house extension and gave the kids new rooms with new storage they are keeping their rooms beautiful and tidy.
Kristy Bullard
January 10, 2022 at 11:20 pm
I love this! We have recently gone through their rooms, cleaned them out, and donated many items. But, now we need to organize their rooms. These suggestions are very helpful!
Sabina Green
January 21, 2022 at 1:20 pm
It’s such a big task isn’t it and if they are anything like I was as a child (ok and an adult) I could never throw anything away!!
January 11, 2022 at 5:44 am
Fabulous ideas. I would have love this room in the photo as a kids… I had so many books!
Sabina Green
January 21, 2022 at 1:20 pm
It’s amazing isn’t it!!!
January 11, 2022 at 10:43 am
I like the storage space under the bed and making use of all the unwanted spaces to be utilized efficiently
Sabina Green
January 21, 2022 at 1:20 pm
We bought the children lift up beds which has been a saving grace for additional storage.
Lavanda Michelle Williams
January 11, 2022 at 3:20 pm
This would be amazing for my daughter’s rooms. Thanks for the share, was definitely helpful!
Sabina Green
January 21, 2022 at 1:20 pm
You’re welcome, so pleased you found it useful.
Jupiter Hadley
January 11, 2022 at 4:51 pm
Thinking of the room for a child’s point of view is a great idea. And, plenty of storage in any room is perfect for children! They always have so much stuff.
Sabina Green
January 21, 2022 at 1:21 pm
We really included our kids when re-designing their rooms last year and they have kept them in much better order ever since because I think they owned them.
Kira Kira
January 13, 2022 at 3:08 pm
These are great ideas , especially if children are having to share bedrooms 🙂