9 Home Maintenance Tasks You’re Overlooking
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Home maintenance tasks, though demanding, are crucial for the upkeep of your property. As a homeowner, it’s easy to accumulate a list of tasks that you never get around to, completely overlook, or are unaware of. However, neglecting these tasks can lead to potential risks that you might not have considered, making it essential to stay on top of them.
Whether you’re preparing to sell your house, considering renting it out, or simply aiming for a safer living environment, incorporating these often overlooked home maintenance tasks into your routine can empower you to maintain your home’s excellent condition throughout the year.
Roof and Skylights
When was the last time you checked your roof out, and do you have any skylights? It’s easy to think that you would know if you had any type of issue with your skylights or your roof. After all, damage to your roof and skylight areas can be obvious, and you would notice leaks, damage, additional draughts, etc, wouldn’t you? Possibly not in the early stages, and some types of damage might be more innocuous, so it takes some time before they start to cause noticeable damage.
It’s recommended that you get your roof inspected every six months, ideally after the winter and once autumn rolls around again. This can ensure that no damage has been sustained. Cracks in roof tiles, damage to skylight flashing, chimney stack issues, etc., can become damaged at any time of the year but are particularly at risk in poor weather, such as relentless rain, high winds, and extreme fluctuations in temperatures.
Getting up top and checking out your roof, chimney, skylights, etc., can catch any damage before it becomes too big of a problem later.
No one really gets excited about cleaning gutters, but gutters serve an important function by directing water away from your home to protect its structural integrity. Your gutters collect rainwater that falls on your home and channel it away. Damaged gutters are a massive problem for your home and can cause water damage on the walls and in the gutters. They also prevent flooding due to excessive rain. If your gutters are functioning correctly, there is a high risk that your home will start to show signs sooner rather than later.
Fridge Condenser Coils
When was the last time you checked your fridge coils? Regular maintenance, including cleaning the coils, is essential for your fridge to work efficiently. Neglecting this task can lead to increased energy consumption and higher bills. So, while it may seem like a small task, it can make a big difference to your energy costs.
Checking your fridge coils for dust and debris is a simple task that can significantly improve your fridge’s efficiency and reduce your energy bills. Just unplug your fridge, pull it out, check the coils, give them a clean, and gently place it back into the right position. It’s that easy!
Ideally, you need to clean these coils every couple of months. Or you might find that your energy bills might increase by up to 25% simply from not completing a straightforward task.
Getting Your Boiler Serviced
Why do you need to service your boiler if it’s working? While it might be working, it might consume more energy than it should if there is any damage because you don’t know what is going on inside. Now the winter is over; it’s the perfect time for you to get a professional to check over the boiler and ensure it’s in full working order. The reason is that your boiler is put under more pressure during the winter as you rely on it more to heat your home, making it more susceptible to damage, especially if it’s an older model.
Take this time to get your boiler thoroughly serviced during the time of year when you don’t need to rely on it quite as much. Hopefully, it will be in perfect working order. However, if there are any issues, you can have them rectified so they will serve you well once the colder days roll around again.
Cracks and Gaps
All homes are subject to small amounts of movement over the years. This is only natural and does not just apply to new homes settling into their foundations. As homes move or working parts and fittings start to break down or become damaged, cracks and gaps might appear.
These cracks can be caused by foundation damage that can be a major cause for corners, or they can simply be caused by incorrect installation or age-related wear and tear. From gaps around windows to gaps in bath sealant, cracks in plaster, or shifting door frames, make sure you’re not dismissing any cracks and gaps you see and that you fully investigate the cause. It might be a simple case of needing to reseal window seals with some caulk, or you might need to replaster walls where existing plaster has cracked, or sadly, there might be more extensive issues going on that need more investigation.
Testing Smoke Alarms
You’re supposed to test your smoke alarms every month to ensure they’re fully working, and you need to replace the battery when you hear the warning signals to ensure they’re ready to protect you should you need them to.
If you’re reading this and it’s making you realise you can’t remember when you last tested your smoke alarm, go test it now. All smoke alarms have a test button you can press to see if the alarm still sounds. If it doesn’t change the battery, try again. If it still doesn’t work, you should replace the whole unit with one that works. No one wants to ever have their smoke alarm activated, but in the event of a fire, you will be glad you took those few minutes to check if it works.
Bleeding Radiators
Like your gutters and roof, your radiators must be checked and bled twice yearly. Before the winter kicks in and as you wind down, use in spring and summer are perfect items to bleed your radiators.
First, you need to place something underneath to catch any water that comes out, and then use the radiator key to turn the bleed valve. Turn the key anticlockwise until you hear a hissing sound. This is the air escaping. Then, turn it back (in a clockwise direction) when water starts to leak from the valve to close it again.
It doesn’t take long to do, and you should bleed every radiator in your house every 6 months or so to ensure they are working correctly.
Inspect Creaking Floorboards
In older homes, creaking floorboards are part and parcel of the vibe of the home. Or are they? While you might be used to creaking floorboards and have perfected your route around the house to avoid the worst offenders, it can be a good idea to take a closer look to see if there are any issues going on that need fixing.
Excess moisture, improper subflooring, poor installation, friction from boards rubbing together, and incorrect-sized boards being used are all the main causes of creaking floorboards. And while some are more of a nuisance than likely to be dangerous, other issues, such as moisture, can be a sign something else is going on. So, instead of hopping and skipping over those creaky floorboards so you don’t wake the kids up, have a deeper look to see why they are cracking and get them fixed if required.
Clean Appliances
Cleaning your appliances isn’t just something people do for content on social media; it is an excellent way to extend and preserve their lifespan, as well as give you a healthier home and fewer repairs to worry about.
This means cleaning your washing machine, taking the drawer out and giving it a clean, wiping the inside of the drum and door seal, pulling it out, and cleaning the top and underneath. Do the same for your dishwasher, your cooker, fridge, freezer, and even your vacuum too. Take some time to deep clean your major appliances so they’re in their best condition and able to do what you need them to.