Decluttering and Organising
Table of Contents
Too much clutter in our homes can often make us feel overwhelmed and stressed; we may even feel too ashamed to invite people to visit. When you get your home organised, keeping it clean and tidy is much easier, especially when surfaces are empty and there is less on the floor to hoover around. We have put together a list of tips to help you take steps towards decluttering and organising your home:
Why should we declutter our homes?

With fewer items around the home, you can concentrate on other things, such as hobbies and activities. You no longer have to wade through piles of things built up over time; once you have made a start, you will feel less stressed.
Make a start
Find the right time to start, and try and choose a day when you don’t have too many interruptions. This means you can focus on one room at a time.
Manage your time
Put your focus on a room or an area within a room (for example, organising the wardrobe) at a time. You can focus on a small part of each room before moving on to the next one.
Keep or give away

Separate things into different piles, things you want to keep and things you will give away. The keep pile can be split into things you use often and things you want to store away. The pile of things you no longer want can be split into things you will throw away, things to go to charity shops and things you might like to try and sell.
What should I keep?
Try to be ruthless; if you have things in a cupboard and never use them, consider whether you will use them. Sometimes we all buy things on a whim, like a foot spa, for instance, it maybe gets used once or twice and then get put back in its box and left in a pile. Go through old magazines, paperwork, broken pens, and clothes you no longer wear.
Keep flat surfaces clear
My family is guilty of coming home and dumping their belongings on the dining table or the kitchen work surface. This ends up looking untidy and attracting even more clutter. Try to put books away, file any paperwork in folders, and ensure that things like empty cups and plates are washed and put away. The quicker you find a home for new clutter that appears, the better chance of it not building up again.
Wall space
The more storage space available, the more things you can easily store in your house. In the kitchen, you can free up space in cupboards by storing pots, pans and spices on wall racks. You can also use shelves but try only to use them to show your favourite things such as photographs and a few nice candles.
Keeping on top of things

Let’s face it, decluttering your home will not happen overnight. Try to make progress at a comfortable pace, one room area at a time, and you will get there. Try to set aside an hour in your day to ensure surfaces are clear and things are put away. You will soon be in a routine and be well on the way to having a more organised home.
Once you are decluttered, you can ensure you keep all your items organised. Whether this is in labelled boxes, storage in cupboards, or vacuum bags that can be stored underneath beds – your home life will start to feel way easier.