How Can You Make Your Exterior Space Feel Less Divided From Your Home?

When we think about how we plan our back garden and the smaller implements that lead out to it (the double doors that open up in order to access our back porch, for instance), it’s easy to think of planning in two separate fields, the “inside” and the “outside.”

How Can You Make Your Exterior Space Feel Less Divided From Your Home?
Photo by Marianne from Pexels

Now, we’re not here to give you some vague philosophical ramblings about how these necessary categories are actually meaningless, but in the spirit of good design and doing something new and welcoming with our properties, it might be fun to blur that line a little.

This is especially true in the summertime, heading out into the garden and walking into the house seamlessly is certainly a fun, easy and convenient means of getting more “active” and “outside” as it were.

Yet it’s also true in winter, where we may wish to spend some time outside but are a little bit dismayed by the exposure to the elements – in short, we wish our outside staging area was a little more “internal.”

In this post, we’ll discuss a few tips to see how effective such an approach could really be:

Retractable Outdoor Blinds

Retractable outdoor blinds are perfectly capable of withstanding the more intensive weather conditions and can provide shelter and wind-breaking functionalities to outdoor staging environments. This means that if you need shade, a little break from the wind, or to provide a more homely outdoor sitting area without worrying too much about your exterior furniture, you’ll be in the best place to thrive. You might be surprised regarding how comfortable and useful that is to use, and how much more it allows you to decorate the exterior as if close to your interior.

Floor To Ceiling Double Doors

Double doors that provide little in the way of traction when open can not only look wonderful and welcome in a massive amount of natural light but they can be selected to open in a number of ways, such as sliding from side to side or opening outwards or inwards, providing a huge amount of navigable space and a seeming walkway to engage in when moving from inside to outside. Not only this, but such a fixture looks modern, while still providing the security you need when closed at the end of the day.

Raised Walkways

Raised walkways can not only improve accessibility from how you exit your property or enter it, providing comfortable and seamless transitions, but it also positively influences those you’re trying to entertain, such as preventing trip hazards when children excitedly come and go, or when your elderly relatives try to move around independently. A raised walkway ramp that leads from your staging area to your back door can be a good option here, as can a small descending elevation into your garden from a deck, preventing the need for sharp patio slabs with overhangs. Such an implement gives your garden distinct visual appeal, while also ensuring it remains more accessible and inviting as a consequence.

With this advice, you’re certain to make your exterior space feel much less divided in the long run.

How Can You Make Your Exterior Space Feel Less Divided From Your Home? 1

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