How Paint and Finish Can Elevate a Renovation 1

How Paint and Finish Can Elevate a Renovation

Renovating your home can be an exciting and rewarding project, but it often involves a fair amount of paint and finish work. Whether you’re updating a single room or giving your entire home improvement a makeover, the fresh coat of paint and finish phase can significantly impact the overall look and feel of your space. To help you achieve a flawless finish, we’ve put together some best way essential prep work tips.

Preparation is Key

How Paint and Finish Can Elevate a Renovation

First thing before you even think about picking up a paintbrush, thorough preparation is essential and an important step. This means cleaning walls, filling holes and cracks, sanding rough surfaces and priming if necessary. A well-prepared work area surface will ensure that the interior paint adheres properly and results in a smoother new look finish.

Choose the Right Paint

Selecting the right type of paint is crucial. Consider factors like the room’s purpose, the level of durability required and the right paint color preferences. For high-traffic areas like hallways and kitchen walls, opt for durable, washable best paint finish. Also, decide between matte, satin, semi-gloss or glossy finish paint based on the look you want to achieve.

Test Paint Colors

Veteran designers with years of experience will always test the chosen paint color for the painting projects on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire wall. Lighting conditions can affect how the new wall paint looks, so it’s essential to make sure you’re happy with your choice of paint and finish in the actual space or the entire room.

Invest in Quality Brushes and Rollers

Invest in Quality Brushes and Rollers

A high-quality paintbrush and roller can make a world of difference in the final result. Cheap brushes often leave streaks and shed bristles on the new coat of paint, leading to an uneven finish. It is always a good idea to invest in good quality tools and to ensure you clean them thoroughly after each use to extend their lifespan.

Use Painter’s Tape

Use Painter's Tape

Painter’s tape is your best friend when it comes to achieving clean sharp edges between, when working with a different color paint or on trim work. Apply it carefully and to prevent paint peels remove it as soon as the paint is dry.

Work from Top to Bottom

A great way to start your new paint job and finish project, is by working from the top of the room down. This way, you can catch any drips or splatters as you go rather than having to touch up lower areas later.

Apply Multiple Coats

Apply Multiple Coats

In most cases, you will need a second coat of paint for a uniform finish. Allow each coat to dry thoroughly before applying the next one. Patience is key to achieving a professional clean look.

Consider a Paint Sprayer

Consider a Paint Sprayer

If you have a large area to cover when tackling an interior or exterior renovation of your home especially in an older home, an excellent way and popular choice is a paint sprayer. This method can save you time and effort but an important thing to note is to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions so as to protect nearby surfaces from overspray.

Finish with a Topcoat

In addition to multiple coats of paint consider applying a clear topcoat for added durability and protection. This is especially useful in areas prone to moisture, water damage or wear and tear.

Clean Up Properly

Clean Up Properly

Once the paint and finish is complete always follow the essential painting step recommended of cleaning your brushes, rollers and any other tools immediately. Proper cleaning and storage will ensure they’re in good condition for future projects. 

Inspect and Touch Up

After the paint has dried completely, the last thing required is to inspect your work for any imperfections, paint chips or missed spots. Touch up as needed to achieve a flawless finish.

Enjoy Your Newly Finished Space

Enjoy Your Newly Finished Space

Finally, step back and admire your handiwork. Properly executed paint and finish can transform your space and make your home renovations project worthwhile.


Paint and finish are crucial aspects of any home renovation project and especially if it is your first home. By following the easy task and paint suppliers tips and by taking your time to do the job right, you can achieve a flawless finish that enhances the beauty and good news the value of your home. Remember, the key to success is a commitment to quality craftsmanship.

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